How many formats available for download ?

The basically is available for download here these machine embroidery formats.  Brother: pec, pes, phc. Bernina: art. Janome: jef, jef+. Melco: exp. Husqvarna and PFAFF: vip, vp3. Tajima and Barudan: dst, dsb. Husqvarna only: hus, shv. Singer: xxx.

What format do embroidery machines use ?

Before ordering or downloading a free machine embroidery design, you need to know what type of embroidery formats your machine can load and use. Embroidery designs may be have some formats. There are particular file extension names that apply to the different brands of embroidery machine We wrote big blog about machine embroidery formats..

I downloaded order designs. I cannot find them on my computer. How do I retrieve them ?

Every time , you can back to and re download embroidery designs which you ordered. This procedure no have limitations. Just need back to Order History and click Download order.

Can I resize the machine embroidery designs ?

Embroidery design files can’t be resized but a little bit like 20% only. Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee the same perfect quality of any embroidery resized design as this may be altered during the resizing process. Due to their unique properties, shadow, blending or lace ? designs should not be resized. We recommend embroidering a test sample before commencing your final embroidery project.

What payment method do you use ?

Payments processed through PayPal. So, you can pay through either PayPal or debit/credit cards. But if you have any difficulty in payment then you can contact us. So, we can provide you the alternative way.

Are your embroidery designs instantly Downloadable ?

YES, all our embroidery designs are digital files available for download immediately after finishing your checkout. You will get a link to download the files. Only the custom embroidery designs or if you need custom change (adding words or numbers or any small change to one of our embroidery designs) will need time to finish the required embroidery design and send it for you. This may take about 2-4 days and you will confirm you satisfied with the embroidery designs before checkout.

Do you offer discounts for customers who purchase big quantities of embroidery designs ?

Yes, Of course. If you're interested in such a discount, contact us at [email protected]